로그인 회원가입

먹을 것 영어로

먹을 것 뜻


  • AndI thoughtyoumight behungry,so Ibrought yousomefood. It's not much, but did my best.
    배고프실 것 같아서 먹을 것 좀 가져왔어요
  • Hey,I'm hungry.Can I get something to eat?
    저기, 내가 지금 배가 몹시 고픈데 먹을 것 좀 줄 수 있어요?
  • Hope you're hungry. Cut it out.
    먹을 것 좀 사 왔어
  • ENTRANCE TO WOMEN'S ROOMS PROHIBITED Everyone has to eat dinner together.
    저녁은 모두 함께 먹을 것
  • I swung by that place down the street and got you some dinner.
    저 밑에 가서 먹을 것 좀 사 왔어
  • Well, can't you make me something to eat first and then take them?
    그럼 나 먹을 것 먼저 차려주고 애들 데려가면 안되니?
  • The fuck is wrong with you?
    먹을 것 좀 시켜줄까?
  • Let's get these men some chow.
    먹을 것 좀 드려
  • The winter's been savage. The least I could've done was fed and watered them.
    겨울이 혹독하니 최소한 물과 먹을 것 만이라도 내놓는건데
  • And you will stay by his side all day... Yes. Even during lunch.
    점심은 못 먹을 것 같은데요
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