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algorithm 뜻


  • Ibis's algorithm trades in dark pools, so all their transactions are concealed.
    아이비스 알고리즘은 시장 종료 후 거래돼서 거래 내역을 알 수 없대요
  • The guy who actually designed the algorithm that crashed.
    '실패한 알고리즘을 설계한 사람이요'
  • My first crush was an algorithm. - And we've lost him.
    난 알고리즘과 사랑에 빠졌죠
  • Well, my dating algorithm is to help people find love, not necessarily replace it.
    내 알고리즘은 사랑을 찾게 도와주지 사랑의 대체품이 아니에요
  • So, I wrote an algorithm.
    그래서 내가 알고리즘을 만들었지
  • Maybe his dad should factor spunk into his stupid algorithm. He's a fourth year.
    아빠가 조금 더 용감하다면 생존확률이 높아질텐데 말이죠
  • Oh, good, because the algorithm that I came up with makes Sausage Boy irrelevant.
    왜냐면 소시지 보이와 무관한 알고리즘이
  • Target actually invented an algorithm to predict when their female customers were gonna get pregnant.
    여성 고객의 임신 시기를 예측하는 알고리즘을 발명한 회사가 있어요
  • Tell me about Zola's algorithm.
    졸라 알고리즘, 털어놔
  • And I suppose your algorithm tells you you're destined to be together, does it.
    둘이 인연이라고 알고리즘이 가르쳐주던가요?
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