Be assured that everybody who is here by mistake will soon be released. 무죄임이 밝혀진 사람들은 곧 풀려날 것이다
Did you show up here by mistake? 실수로 온 거야?
I sent her something by mistake. 클레어 이메일에 들어가
You killed him by mistake. 그런데 넌 멍청해서
What I want to know is... did she ingest the same thing as Javier by mistake? 제가 알고싶은건... 하비에르처럼 실수로 같은걸 먹었을까요?
It's possible that I may have, by mistake, said that if she had any doubts, she should flee. 우리는 테스트에 답을 맡긴다 내가 본의아니게
Um, it's possible that I may have, by mistake, said that if she had any doubts, she should flee. 음성메세지로 넘어가네 내가 실수로 조금이라도 의구심이 들면
So you stuffed me in the trunk of a car and shoved a gun in my face by mistake? 실수로 트렁크에 납치해 총을 겨눈 건가요?
I start thinking I am there by mistake, that they wanted somebody else to be there and ended up inviting me. 다들 딴 사람이 오길 바랐지만 어쩔 수 없이 날 초대했고 내가 있는 게 실수란 생각이 들기 시작하죠
{5:19} because by mistake he transgressed against the Lord. 5:19 이는 속건제니 그가 실로 여호와 앞에 범과함이니라