로그인 회원가입


cardinal 뜻


  • Brother cardinals, we need to go back to being prohibited.
    추기경들이여, 우리는 다시 제한구역이어야 한다
  • I haven't said anything to the Cardinal Secretary of State.
    국무원장에게는 아무 말 안 했다
  • Your speech to our brother cardinals.
    선결과제는? 우리 추기경단의 해산 연설이요.
  • The time has come to address the cardinals. No. They're still there.
    추기경들에게 연설할 때이구나. 아직 계실 거야.
  • When are you gonna make this blessed speech to the cardinals?
    추기경단 연설은 언제 할 거야?
  • The Cardinal Secretary of State is entertaining her.
    국무원장 추기경님이 그러고 계시잖아요
  • The Cardinal Secretary of State accepted my request.
    국무원장 추기경께서 요청을 수락하셨지.
  • All of us cardinals were there, at the Conclave.
    추기경들 전부가 콘클라베에 있었다
  • The Pope told me I would become a cardinal.
    교황께선 내가 추기경이 된댔어요
  • Holy Father, it's Cardinal Ozolins.
    안 돼. 성하, 오졸린치 추기경입니다.
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