로그인 회원가입


distinct 뜻


  • Class 4 apparition. Distinct human form.
    4등급짜리네 뚜렷한 사람 형태야!
  • This says that there are two distinct strands of DNA inside the tissue.
    조직세포 안에 다른 사람의 DNA가 검출되었어.
  • Now, you had the distinct pleasure of dating Nick Dunne for how long?
    닉 던과 만나신지가 얼마나 됐죠?
  • Is it like one distinct blob?
    뚜렷한 방울 같은거야?
  • Stay away from him, if you can. He has a very distinct odour.
    가급적 멀리하세요 악취가 심하니까요
  • NAZ: We have two distinct areas that are currently affected by the blackout.
    우리가 맡고있는 두군데의 지구에서
  • Dr. Brennan, I found distinct remodeling on the lateral surface of the victim's left proximal tibia.
    브레넌 박사님, 희생자의 왼쪽 근위 경골 측면에서 뚜렷한 리모델링을 제가 발견했어요
  • So the lab is made up of two distinct layers, the security perimeter and the clean room.
    연구소는 크게 둘로 되있어 보안 구역과 클린룸 구역
  • So, that means there is a very distinct possibility that this very sick individual could know exactly who we are.
    그래서, 그 말은 이 병적인 환자가 우리가 누군지
  • I guess we were the only two to pick up... on the distinct summer camp vibe... when we first made bunk.
    처음 이곳에 와서 여름 캠프 온 것처럼 느낀 건
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