로그인 회원가입

drug in

drug in 뜻


  • Look what the fucking cat drug in.
    내가 뭘 했는지 봐
  • Yeah, he stands on the street and sells drugs in little sandwich bags.
    맞아요, 거리에서 샌드위치 봉지에 약을 넣어 판다니까요
  • The Crowley kid, Damon, he's been busted selling drugs in these woods before.
    크라울리씨 아들 데이먼 한때 여기서 약 팔다가 잡힌 적 있어요
  • So for the past two years you've had somebody slipping me drugs in Boston.
    그러니까 지난 2년간 보스턴에서 누군가 내게 약을 먹였다고요?
  • Okay, listen to me, Doc. I've never done drugs in my life, all right?
    전 마약에 손 한 번 댄 적 없어요
  • You guys got good drugs in this place.
    좋은 약을 쓰나봐
  • Drugged in a fucking tank!
    물탱크에 갇혀 약이나 처맞고
  • Now you feel like you want to take all the drugs in the world.
    지금 넌 온 세상 약들을다 먹어보고 싶겠지
  • So, there were drugs in the bunnies.
    토끼에 마약 들었던데요
  • There's no drugs in his system?
    몸에 마약이 없다고요?
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