로그인 회원가입


medication 뜻


  • We're talking medication that's absolutely harmless for the child.
    태아에게 해가 안 되는 약물로 정해보겠습니다
  • After I stop his medication, I'm gonna extubate him.
    이제 처치를 멈추면 튜브를 뺄 거야
  • I think Meg has changed up her medication, honey.
    요즘 메그가 먹는 약이 바뀌었나 봐
  • They know what they're eating is not really medication.
    자기들이 먹는게 진짜 약이 아니라는건 알아요.
  • Also, sir's medication was in the bathroom lying down...
    서랍 안에 넣어놨어요 그래요, 가도 좋아요
  • But Young-goon has such serious side effects to medication.
    그런데 영군인 워낙 약 부작용이 심해서요
  • They're giving you too much medication. No.
    너무 많은 약을 투약 하는거 같아요.
  • What kind of a doctor refuses medication to someone who's suffering?
    무슨 의사가 아파하는 환자한테 약 주는 걸 거부합니까?
  • I'll give you the medication that starts dilation, then the Pitocin.
    그리고 자궁이 열리는 걸 도와줄 약을 드릴 거고요 촉진제도요
  • But there must be some sort of treatment. Medication or...
    약물 같은 치료 방법이 있을 텐데...
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