로그인 회원가입


specter 뜻


  • Tell specter pearson wants to see him.
    Specter Pearson가 보고싶어한다고 전해줘.
  • Pearson specter is formally in review.
    Pearson Specter를 공식적으로 검토할겁니다.
  • Meticulously stage your crime scene... with just enough mistakes to raise the specter of doubt.
    이제 범죄 현장을 꾸며 딱 의심을 살만큼만 허술하게...
  • What should we draw? You hover over me like the specter of death, Daniel.
    얼른 가자 우리 뭐 그릴까?
  • Mr. Specter, shut up.
    Mr. Specter, 조용히해요.
  • Mr. Specter, shut up.
    Mr. Specter, 조용히해요.
  • All to specter!
    위치로 들어가 돛을 올려라!
  • I was an associate at Pearson Specter, and then I left to become an investment banker.
    저는 Pearson Specter의 조수였죠. 그리고 지금은 투자은행가가 되기위해 떠났죠
  • I cast you out, unclean spirit, along with every satanic power of the enemy, every specter from hell... and all of your fell companions... in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
    당신을 쫓아, 더러운 귀신, 모든 사탄의 능력과 함께 적의, 지옥에서 모든 유령...
  • The Russian Revolution: A Specter Haunting Anarchism
    러시아 혁명: 무정부주의자를 끝없이 괴롭히는 유령
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