로그인 회원가입


being 뜻


  • And that thing killed everything in that bar except human beings.
    술집에 있던 모든 외계인을 죽였어 인간만 빼고 말이야
  • You never get tired of being so blandly moral, do you?
    사람이 있기는 한거에요? You never get tired of being
  • I am a believer in the perfectibility of human beings.
    난 인간이 완전해질 수 있다고 믿어
  • What we do to one another. Human beings, I mean.
    우리가 또 하게 되면 인류는, 그러니까...
  • For being a good person, but today...
    기회가 있는 날이 아니다. for being a good person, but today...
  • I might know somebody who could teach you how to change.
    코요테가 되고 싶다고? To being a coyote?
  • We were being human beings.
    인간다운 일을 한거라구 We were being human beings.
  • We were being human beings.
    인간다운 일을 한거라구 We were being human beings.
  • Eleanor being her boyfriend Allen.
    엘리너라고 나쁜 애 있었어 Eleanor being her boyfriend Allen.
  • Yeah, because the grid is for actual human beings.
    그야, 당신은 이미 죽은 사람이니까
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