It's complicated that we have a drug in a box that could help her. 이건 아델과 과장님 일이니까요
This may come as a surprise to you... but I've done some drugs in my day. 이건 너에게는 놀라울거야 내가 여지것 몇개의 약들을 해봤지만
All you need is a shot of penicillin... it's the most common drug in the world. 지혈을 했으니 괜찮을 거야. 세상에서 가장 흔한 약인
You don't want to do that, hayley. 'cause there's drugs in here, I would die, right? 여기 약물이 들어 있으니까 전 죽겠죠?
These drip feeds will keep the drug in your bloodstreams at exactly the right levels. 문명은 항상 선별적인 기억에 의존해 왔단다 이 주사가 혈액 속으로 알맞은 양의 약만 투여할 겁니다
Mind your own business. I see those drugs in your hand. The more you struggle, the more it will hurt. 이미 레드한테 케익 받았거든요 관심 없으니까 꺼져요
You just said that you found the drugs in the cabbage before the truck pulled onto the campus, and then you brought them to Caputo. 방금 말했잖아 박스에 있던 약을 찾았다고 교도소 안에 주차하기도 전에 그리고 카푸토한테 그걸 갖다줬고
So I will run a tox screen, I would like a list of the prescription drugs in your possession, and I need you to breathe into this tube. 그래서 전 독극물 검사를 할 거고 드시는 약들에 대한 처방전들도 확인할 거예요
But all the drugs in the world aren't going to change the feeling that your whole life's been a dream and it's only now that you're waking up. 하지만 그런다고 해서지금 네 기분은 바뀌지 않을 거야 네 일생은 한낱 꿈이었고이제서야 깨어났다는 기분