로그인 회원가입


relieve 뜻


  • Why don't you come up here and relieve your lover of her stench?
    이리 와서 네 애인의 악취를 없애주도록 해
  • I need to go in, try to relieve the pressure.
    압력을 줄이려면 수술을 해야겠어
  • So I would like to do a pericardiocentesis to relieve that pressure.
    압력을 완화하기 위해서 심낭천자술을 할겁니다
  • It will increase the blood circulation and relieve the pressure inside your head.
    혈류를 늘려주는 거라 두통이 가실 거야
  • USS Enterprise, for duty as his relief. I relieve you, sir.
    USS 엔터프라이즈의 지휘권을 이양받도록
  • Here to relieve you for the midnight shift.
    근무 교대하려고 왔어요
  • At least bathe his eyes or relieve his tummy with a little oil.
    눈빛이 흐려지는데 손을 써 봐야죠
  • Yeah. Might ease up once we relieve the pressure.
    압력을 줄이면 괜찮아질거야
  • Well, then who, sir, is about to relieve you of your magic box?
    그럼 누가, 나으리의 마법상자를 가져가드리죠?
  • And that will relieve the pressure on your brain.
    뇌압을 낮출 겁니다
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