로그인 회원가입


salvage 뜻


  • We're not gonna be able to salvage any of this.
    아무것도 살릴 수 없겠어
  • I didn't have any nitrates, so I had to salvage from another neighbor.
    제가 질산염이 없어서 그래서 이웃집에서 구해왔어요
  • Are you okay, papi?
    아직 쓸 순 있을 것 같은데요? Maybe we can salvage it?
  • It's pretty damaged, but the techs were able to salvage it.
    많이 망가졌지만 이건 복원해냈어
  • We salvaged as much as we could.
    최대한 똑같이 복구했지
  • Not sure what we can salvage.
    반복합니다, 실험실이 파괴되었습니다
  • Thank you for salvaging my pride.
    자존심 살려줘서 고맙습니다
  • There's a way to salvage this.
    되돌릴 방법이 있을겁니다
  • We've been trying to salvage things.
    살려보려고 노력 중이야
  • Let's pray there's something we can salvage. [DRAMATIC MUSIC] [INDISTINCT SHOUTING]
    쓸만한 거 줍자
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