로그인 회원가입

the apartment

the apartment 뜻


  • Yeah, but I don't want him in the apartment.
    어, 근데 집에 들이긴 싫어
  • Would you mind taking this up to the apartment?
    이거 아파트에 좀 갖다 놔줄래요?
  • I just say the apartment is enough for now.
    외출하지 않겠다고 말한 적 없다
  • I sublet the apartment, sold the practice.
    아파트 전세 주고 병원도 팔았지
  • We'll fix up the apartment real nice.
    방 수리도 직접 하자, 근사할거야
  • I don't know T, just get her out of the apartment!
    몰라 T, 그냥 아파트에서 데리고 나와!
  • We spoke about the apartment you're subletting.
    네가 내놓은 아파트에 관해 얘기했었던
  • But the ticket to the apartment is not the thing, mother.
    하지만 아파트 입주권은 물건이 아니에요, 어머니
  • But I want to be in the apartment when my husband arrives.
    그런데 난 그 아파트에 있고 싶어요 남편이 살았던 곳에요
  • The apartment is brand new. It has a beautiful view.
    새로지은 아파트인데 전망이 아주 좋아
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