로그인 회원가입


unemployed 뜻


  • I gave her the confidence to think she was more than just an unemployed housewife selling plastic kitchen stuff to other unemployed housewives on a junk cable channel.
    내가 실업자 애엄마한테 헛바람을 넣었잖아 싸구려 케이블 채널에서 플라스틱으로 된 가정용품을 팔라고
  • Has been unemployed by you' in soliciting that pardon from the Almighty which I trust your prayers may obtain through the merits of your redeemer, whose first attribute is mercy.
    짐을 안전하게 데려와 주세요, 로스.
  • Let's say I'm some unemployed guy or something in the middle of the country living in a trailer park, but I have the ware-for-all to be able to save $100 a week up so that on my birthday next year,
    "버드 리 탤런트 에이전트" 제가 미국 한가운데에 살며 무직에 트레일러 공원에 살지만 일주일에 100달러씩
  • I have already been unemployed for a year.
    저는 실업자가 된 지 이미 일 년 됐어요.
  • Two-thirds of the pre-invasion workforce may now be unemployed.
    이라크 전쟁 이전의 노동력 가운데 3분의 2가 실업자일 수도 있다.
  • Jacques Fréchet lost his job as headmaster and was unemployed.
    자크 Fréchet과 교장으로 자신의 직장을 잃은 실업자가됐다.
  • Accordingly, it was wicked to blame the unemployed for their plight.
    따라서, 그것은 그들의 처지에 대한 책임을 악인 실직했다.
  • As a result, many people are currently unemployed and seeking employment.
    그 결과, 많은 사람들은 현재 실업자와 추구 고용.
  • As far as I know, he is unemployed.
    제가 아는 바로는, 그는 실업자예요.
  • There are too many unemployed people in this country.
    이 나라에는 실업자가 너무 많아요.
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