로그인 회원가입


crib 뜻


  • I want to put the baby in her crib. Can I put her down?
    애기 좀 눕혀도 되지?
  • I heard you had a baller crib, but this is practically Neverland fuckin' Ranch out here.
    집 구석이 멋지다고 하더니 완전히 말 그대로 농장 수준이구먼
  • We just got this crib pad that sets off an alarm if the baby stops breathing.
    미안해 아기가 숨을 안 쉬면 알람 울리는 침대 패드 샀어
  • [Pop] Mmm-hmm. I made a decision when I got back to the crib. I'm done running.
    그리고 집으로 돌아왔을 때 결정을 내렸죠
  • He wanted to make sure that I had enough room for the crib. My mom must have told him.
    아기 침대 놀만한 방은 있는 지 확인하러 왔댔어
  • Though we did ding up the back pretty good with the crib, so you might have bought a minivan.
    비록, 우리가 침대 싣느라고, 차뒷부분을 환상적으로 찌그려트서 아마도 사야될꺼지만... .
  • We, uh... we found Staci in the living room in a pool blood and Teagan, in her crib, hysterical.
    저희가 거실에서 스테이시를 발견했죠 피바다였고 티건은 요람에서 신경질적으로 울고 있었어요
  • When they're babies, you... you spend every night by their crib, just watching them, make sure that they're still breathing.
    애들이 어릴때는.. 매일 밤 요람 옆에서 자리를 지키고
  • I wonder if your father knew his best friend sent assassins to murder a baby girl in her crib.
    경의 부친은 자기 친구가 암살자를 보내서 갓난아기를 살해하라고 한 걸 알고 있었나 궁금하군
  • All of a sudden, you're keeping something warm in my old crib. Here you go, sweetie. You'll like this better.
    제가 쓰던 침대에 저 대신 왠 새 한 마리가 있네요
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