로그인 회원가입


discreet 뜻


  • You want it discreet. Very.
    점잖은 걸 바라는군요?
  • Like I said, he's discreet.
    말했듯이 신중한 분이라고요
  • I'm very discreet. Oh.
    나 신중한 여자라구.
  • You're being very discreet.
    굉장히 조심을 하는군
  • I'm very discreet.
    난 아주 신중한 사람이라구.
  • All right, the most effective way to do this is with a discreet and systematic approach.
    일단 들어가면 이렇게 할거에요. 조심스럽고 신중하게 접근해야 되요.
  • I used, at discreet intervals, potential trigger words to update myself as to your mental condition.
    어떤 단어들을 말해서 네 정신 상태를 알아보곤 했어
  • She's gonna be discreet with how she disposes of the monkeys. Well, I'm good with that.
    박사는 어떻게 원숭이를 배치할 지에 대해 조심스러워.
  • I also noticed the discreet but unmistakable puckering behind the ear where his skin had been drawn back.
    나를 친놈의 귀근처에 상처자국이 있었어! 얼굴 피부를 뜯어낸 흔적이지.
  • Forgive the intrusion, and you were both very discreet, but it's my job to know these things.
    사생활을 침해 해서 미안해, 너희 둘 매우 신중하긴 했지만. 내 직업이 이런 것들을 알고있는 것이라.
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