로그인 회원가입

pretty much

pretty much 뜻


  • The 71 goes pretty much straight here, so it was easy.
    71번 도로는 여기까지 직선이라 쉽게 왔어요
  • Pretty much had to come from NSA.
    NSA 에서 가져왔을 확률 높죠
  • Well, Downworlders pretty much sums everything up.
    뭐 다운월더는 꾀 많이 있어
    움직이지 않으면 거의 소음이 없습니다
  • I pretty much thought you were, you know, just some blonde.
    난 그냥 그.. 있잖아.. 그냥 금발여자같아서
  • Which was pretty much a sharp stick.
    첫 메스에 비하면 엄청난 발전이다
  • Pharmacy, hardware, post office, pretty much everything's right there.
    약국, 철물점, 우체국 거의 다 거기 있어요 베이글 가게도 저게 제 열쇠인가요?
  • I won't do any anals or gangbangs, and that's pretty much it.
    후장 삽입과 갱뱅요 그거 빼곤 다 해요
  • He seems to lack the basic intelligence required for pretty much everything.
    지능이 모자라서 아무 쓸모 없을 거 같은데
  • Back in Texas, you were pretty much a wall-to-wall fuck-up.
    텍사스에 있을 땐 밑바닥 인생이었잖아
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