로그인 회원가입


salvage 뜻


  • The first cerebral salvage.
    최초로 뇌를 구조한 케이스라고?
  • Not many. I'm gonna try to get what I can and salvage these.
    남아있는 거로 어떻게든 해봐야지
  • We were on a salvage run... You're sitting in the best-kept secret in the world.
    어떤 계기가 있었죠 우린 그냥 그걸 보고선
  • The salvage rights are yours.
    찾은 사람이 임자야
  • Can you salvage it?
    다리 괜찮을까요.. ?
  • She thinks she's gonna be able to salvage the finger bits and reattach, because she's cracked.
    어. 저 손가락 쪼가리들을 구조해서 재결합 시킬수 있을거라고 생각하나봐.
  • Only a little of the bowel is necrotic. There should be more than enough to salvage.
    다행이네 조금만 괴사했어 회복하려면 어느정도 남아있어야해
  • That's the old salvage yard where kids go to get high.
    거기 애들이 마약하러 가는 폐차장이예요 That's the old salvage yard where kids go to get high.
  • That's the old salvage yard where kids go to get high.
    거기 애들이 마약하러 가는 폐차장이예요 That's the old salvage yard where kids go to get high.
  • But how about we try to salvage the last five minutes of our session and talk about...
    우리 남은 5분간의 상담시간동안 그 얘기 하는게 어떨까요?
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