로그인 회원가입

the apartment

the apartment 뜻


  • Often, the shots inside the apartment echo those from outside.
    자네 만한 유명인사면 시끄러워져 고마워
  • Bourne. He went to Paris. He went to the apartment.
    본이 파리에 갔답니다, 아파트에 말입니다
  • Meanwhile, this kid Isaac was living in the apartment downstairs.
    아래층엔 아이삭이란 애가 살고 있었지
  • Oh, buying baby things and plants for the apartment... we're a family.
    아기용품이랑 아파트를 꾸밀 식물들을 사야되는거... 우린 가족이야
  • "hey, how's the apartment search going?
    티내진 말고, 켈리도 공간이 필요하고
  • All right, look, the apartment above my garage is all fixed up.
    좋아 우리 집에 아파트는 다 수리했어
  • She moved into the apartment and put her house up for sale.
    아파트로 옮겼다했죠. 살던 집은 팔려 내놓고요.
  • I'm giving up the apartment, I'm leaving Spain.
    집 비우려고요 스페인을 떠나거든요
  • Gives me the spare key to the apartment.
    아파트 키를 내게 준다
  • I'll call him first thing in the morning. It's not the apartment, Foggy.
    사촌이 건식 벽을 해요 아침에 제일 먼저 연락하죠
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