로그인 회원가입


approximately 뜻


  • Approximately one and a half inch wide by,
    대략 1.5인치 넓이고
  • This fracture appears to be linear in shape and approximately... three millimeters deep.
    이 골절은 길이는 대략... .
  • The Ares 5 team will rendezvous with the Hermes... approximately 48 minutes after launch.
    발사 약 48분 후 아레스 5 탐사대가 헤르메스호와 랑데부 합니다
  • You weigh approximately 109 pounds, correct?
    몸무게가 49.4kg쯤 되지?
  • Bearing approximately 0-2-0. - How far?
    대략적으로 0-2-0 방향입니다
  • It says in your statement, Mrs. Lambert, that last night, at approximately 10:00 p.m.,
    램버트 양, 당신의 말에 따르면 마지막 날, 오후 10시 즈음. ,
  • Well, not according to the remodeling, which appears to be approximately four years old.
    음, 리모델링에 의한 것이 아니라 보이는대로 라면 대략 4년 전쯤 당한거네요
  • Yeah, well, an hourin Evil Corp time is like $13 million in revenue, approximately.
    그 한시간이 Evil Corp에겐1,300만$ 값어치야
  • It appears to be rising approximately 20 to 30 meters... above the tree line.
    키는 나무 꼭대기보다 20~30m 이상
  • Approximately, how many lives... do you think she has time to destroy in one day?
    이 여자가 오늘 대략몇 사람의 인생을 망쳤을까요?
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