Brother cardinals, from this day forward, we're not in, no matter who's knocking on our door. 추기경들이여, 바로 오늘부터 누가 문을 두드리든 우리는 없다
Before you go, if you like, you can say goodbye to the Cardinal Secretary of State. 가시기 전에, 원하시면 국무원장 추기경에게 작별인사 하세요
Cardinal Quinn, accused of multiple counts of sexual abuse, is the latest victim of the vigilante. 성희롱으로 수차례 고소당했었는데요 자경단원의 새로운 희생자가 되었습니다
Forgive me, Lord, illumine me. Give me the words to say to the cardinals. 용서하소서, 주여 조명하소서!
This is a masterpiece of Voiello's diplomatic cunning, the way he shepherded the cardinals' votes to Belardo. 보옐로의 예술적인 정치 술수입니다 벨라르도에게 투표하도록 추기경들을 몰았지요
Holy Father, don't call me repetitive, but when is your speech to the cardinals going to take place? 성하, 재촉한다 말하지 마십시오. 추기경들에게는 언제 연설을 하실 겁니까?
Then, of course, there is the matter of drafting and delivering your address to the College of Cardinals. 그럼, 추기경단 해산 연설을 집필하시는 과제가 있습니다
Cardinals are still in Vatican City, and they will leave Rome only after the new Pontiff's first homily. 추기경들은 아직 바티칸에 모였습니다 새 교황의 강론 뒤에 해산하게 됩니다
I looked at Cardinal Dussolier, a longshot for the Papacy, we've known each other since we were kids, 두솔리에 추기경을 보았다 가망 없는 후보.