They-they took me, and they took the mule and our hogs, half the corn crib, and they told me I'd been drafted. 그들이 나를 끌고오고, 노새랑 돼지, 옥수수 여물 절반을 가져갔어요.
I went to court to fight a traffic ticket so I could save $360 so we could buy an organic crib mattress. 과태료 360달러 안 내겠다고 법원에 갔어요 유기농 요람 매트리스를 사려고요
I had a kid in a crib in my bedroom for a while, and social services took her away. -나 이제 그런 짓 안 할 거야 내 침실 요람에 아이가 잠깐 동안 있었는데 사회보호국에서 애를 데려갔어
I heard the piano playing by itself downstairs and I found Kali on the floor of her room by her crib! 난 피아노 연주 소리를 듣고 바로 아래층으로 내려갔고 그리고 난 칼리가 방바닥에 떨어져 있는걸 발견했어!
You're gonna wait outside a school and you're gonna build a crib and you're gonna share tools with whatever baby is lucky enough to have you as their mom. 넌 학교 밖에서 기다리게 될 거고 유아용 침대도 만들고 널 엄마로 맞는 운 좋은 아이와
I actually went online last night and found a used crib, and then this morning, it's like... why can't he just have a few good days in a row? 사실 어젯밤에 온라인에서 중고 요람을 찾았어요 그런데 오늘 아침에는.. 왜 우리가 괜찮은 꼴을 못 보는 거죠?
Her name is Nessa, and I invited her and her ugly-ass manager Shine to my crib to come here and celebrate with us in honor of her signing with Empire... ain't that right? 걔 이름은 네사야 내가 초대했어 못생긴 매니저 샤인도 불러서 엠파이어와의 계약을 축하하기 위해
But I should say that seeing as this is the one thing that was in your crib when you were left outside the orphanage, you should take a teeny-tiny, eensy-weensy little bit more care of it. 하지만 이건 네가 고아원에 버려졌을 때 바구니 안에 들어 있었던 거야
Now, I made up the guest bedroom, and I got your father's old crib out for the baby, so I will put her down -- yes, I will -- while you go upstairs and have a rest, all right? 네 침실 정리 해주고 아기가 쓸 침대도 꺼내와야 겠구나 그리고 아기는 내게 주렴
King bed, One rollaway or one crib 킹베드, 간이 침대 1개 또는 유아용 침대 1개