Aurors, I'd like you to relieve Mr. Graves of his wand and escort him back... 오러들 그레이브스의 지팡이를 압수하고 체포해서...
We've got to relieve the pressure in your leg or you could lose the entire limb. 다리의 혈압을 낮추지 않으면 당신의 다리 전체를 잃을 수도 있어요.
Book an O.R. we need to get in there and relieve the pressure as soon as possible. 좋아, 수술실 잡아, 우리가 가능한 빨리 압력을 낮춰줘야 돼
I need to raise his spirits. You mean you need to relieve your own guilt. 스스로 죄책감을 없애시겠다
Yeah, we need to go in and try and relieve the pressure on the spinal cord. 척추 인대의 압력을 줄여야겠어
We have to drain his pericardial sac and relieve the pressure, or... or his heart will stop. 심막이 곧 터질 것 같군 심막에 찬 혈액을 빼서 압력을 줄여야돼요
You are deemed unfit and I hereby relieve you of your command. You are deemed unfit and I hereby relieve you of your command. 부적절하다고 판단, 너의 임무로부터 직위해제한다
You are deemed unfit and I hereby relieve you of your command. You are deemed unfit and I hereby relieve you of your command. 부적절하다고 판단, 너의 임무로부터 직위해제한다
It's collapsing your lung. I'm gonna relieve the pressure, but I'm gonna need you to hold still, okay? 폐에 공기가 들어갔어요