로그인 회원가입

the apartment

the apartment 뜻


  • You said you have the apartment next door, right?
    옆집에 산다고 하셨죠, 맞나요?
  • What you're saying is we drill down through the floor of the apartment?
    그러니까 네 말은 위층에서 드릴로 뚫어 내려가자는 거네
  • Move out of the apartment and get back to where you were before.
    그 아파트에서 나와 예전 살던 동네로 돌아가는 거죠
  • The police report says the apartment had some sort of hidden interrogation room.
    경찰 보고에 의하면 아파트에 숨겨진 취조실이 있다고 하더군요
  • Did you consider, maybe, selling the apartment?
    아파트를 파는 건 어떠세요?
  • Clark, you're going to flood the apartment.
    물 다 넘친단 말야
  • – I bought the apartment and stuff.
    아파트에 물건을 좀 샀어
  • He can sleep in the apartment upstairs?
    걔를 윗층에서 재우면 안될까?
  • Well, apparently, the levels we detected at the apartment were from residual radiation.
    알고보니, 우리가 아파트에서 찾았던 건 잔여 방사능이었어
  • Shades or somebody used my phone to lure Candace out of the apartment.
    셰이즈나 누군가가 내 휴대폰으로 캔디스를 밖으로 유인했죠
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