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간난신고 영어로

"간난신고" 예문"간난신고" 뜻

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  • 간난신고 [艱難辛苦] =간난.
    그는 ~끝에 오늘의 지위를 쌓아 올렸다 He has made himself what he is today by overcoming many difficulties.
    ~하다 go through[bear / endure] hardships; have a rough time; be schooled in adversity.
    ~하여 자식을 기르다 manage to bring up one's child under difficulties.
  • 난신    난신 [亂臣] [나라를 어지럽히는 신하] a traitorous[treacherous] subject; rebellious minister; a traitor; a rebel; [난세의 충신] a loyal subject in turbulent days.▷ 난신 적자 [-賊者] a traitor; a rebel; a traitorous subject.
  • 간난    간난 [艱難] hardships; difficulties; privations; afflictions; adversity. 인생의 ~ the troubles of life. ~을 겪다 undergo[go through] hardships / have rough time[hard life / rugged life]. ~을 극복하다 overcome diff
  • 신고    신고 [申告] a report(보고); a return; a declaration(세관에서)(▶ report, return은 주로 수입(收入)에 대해 쓰는데 declaration은 관세품과 수입에도 쓸 수 있음); a notice; a statement; a notification; filing. 녹색 ~ a green return / a greenpa
  • 간난현    Gannan County
  • 조난신호    조난 신호 [遭難信號] a distress signal; a signal of distress; an SOS; a distress call(무전의). ~를 보내다[받다] send[pick up] a distress call[an SOS]. 우리는 ~를 보냈다 We sent out an SOS. 근처를 항해하던 어선이 ~를 수신하였다 A fishing b
  • 신고촌 신고촌    Shingō, Aomori
  • 무신고    무신고 [無申告] ~로[의] without (pervious) notice / without leave.▷ 무신고 집회 a meeting held without previous notice .
  • 범죄 신고    information
  • 세관 신고    customs declaration
  • 신고 있다    wear
  • 신고서    신고서 [申告書] a (written) report; a notice; a declaration; a statement; a (tax) return(세금의). 소득세 ~ an income tax return. 수출[수입] ~ an export[import] declaration. 결석 ~를 제출하다 submit a notification of absen
  • 신고식    Hazing
  • 신고역    Shingō Station
  • 신고의    declarative; declaratory
  • 신고자    reporter
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