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"갈비" 예문"갈비" 뜻"갈비" 중국어

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  • 갈비11 a rib; <집합적> the ribs; 『醫』 a costa .
    ~의 costal.2 (요리용) a rib.
    돼지 ~ ribs of pork.
    소 ~ ribs of beef.
    ~를 굽다 roast[broil / grill] a rib.3 [말라깽이] a skinny[lean / weedy / scrawny] person; a (living) skeleton; a mere[walking] skeleton; a bag of bones.
    이봐, ~씨 Hey, skinny!▷ 갈비뼈 =늑골.▷ 갈비새김 rib meat.▷ 갈비찜 beef rib stew; steamed short-ribs.▷ 갈비탕 beef-rib soup.갈비2 [낙엽 진 솔잎] fallen[dead] pine needles (for fuel[kindlings / lightwood]).갈비3 『建』 the width of a roof.


  • We're gonna have to pull him out.
    갈비 아래에서 고정됐어요 잡아 빼야겠어요
  • Oh, God. These ribs are so great.
    세상에, 이 갈비 너무 맛있다
  • Ah! God damn it! Oh, fuck!
    오, 젠장 망할 내 갈비.
  • You got a couple broken ribs I haven't tended to yet.
    갈비 몇개 나갔고 아직 안붙였어요
  • I'm gonna cut here from the base of the neck to the rib cage.
    이쪽 목 부분부터 갈비 골격까지 절개할 거야
  • I'm going to take you to that rib spot on 125th Street.
    125번가에 갈비 맛있는데도 있어
  • Pork ribs in mustard and soy sauce
    겨자와 간장 소스에 돼지 갈비
  • Tomatoes, baked in the oven
    지각 마요네즈에서 구운 갈비
  • Steak, pork chop, cutlet
    스테이크, 돼지 갈비, 돈까래
  • These they laid on the breasts, and then Aaron burned the fat on the altar.
    20 그것을 갈비 위에 얹어, 제단에서 살랐다.
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