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객관적 타당성 영어로


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  • objectivity
  • 객관적    객관적 [客觀的] objective. 비~인
  • 타당성    sensibility; relevance; rationality; logicalness;
  • 타당성    sensibility; relevance; rationality; logicalness; reasonableness
  • 객관적    객관적 [客觀的] objective. 비~인 nonobjective . ~묘사 an objective description. ~정세 the true state of affairs. ~으로 objectively. ~으로 보다 take an objective view . ~으로 자신을 보기는 어렵다 It is not easy for us to see our
  • 기술적 타당성    descriptive adequacy
  • 설명적 타당성    explanatory adequacy
  • 타당성 조사    Feasibility study
  • 객관적 검사    Objective test
  • 객관적 상관물    Objective correlative
  • 객관적 확실성    certainty
  • 객관적으로    objectively
  • 객관적인    objective; impersonal
  • 검사와 타당성 검증    Verification and validation
  • 타당    타당 [妥當] ~하다 proper; appropriate; adequate; valid; sound; reasonable; fit; apposite; pertinent. ~한 비판 (a) valid criticism / (an) apt criticism. ~하지 않은 improper / inappropriate / inadequate / unfit /
  • 객관    객관 [客觀] 『哲』 the object; the material world(물질계).▷ 객관 가치 objective validity.▷ 객관 묘사 (an) objective description.▷ 객관법 (an) objective method.▷ 객관성 objectivity.▷ 객관식 시험 an objective test.▷ 객관 정세 an obje
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