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  • 거미 a spider.
    ~가 집을 짓다 A spider weaves[spins] its web.
    ~도 줄을 쳐야 벌레를 잡는다 <속담> No gains without pains.
  • 갈거미    갈거미 『動』 a long-legged spider.
  • 거미 (가수)    Gummy (singer)
  • 거미 같은    arachnoidian; spidery
  • 거미 망막    arachnoid mater
  • 거미강    Arachnid
  • 거미게    거미게 a spider crab.
  • 거미류    genus of spider
  • 거미막    거미막 [-膜] the arachnoid(membrane)▷ 거미막하 출혈 subarachnoid hemorrhage.
  • 거미목    Spiders
  • 거미발    거미발 (보석의) a jewel chain shaped like a spider's legs. ~처럼 갈라진 교차점 a crossing with roads running in various directions.
  • 거미숲    Spider Forest
  • 거미줄    거미줄 a spider's thread; cobweb. ~을 친 cobwebbed. ~ 모양의 arachnoid. ~같은 머리 shriveled hair / shaggy[bushy] hair. 나비가 ~에 걸렸다 A butterfly was caught in a spider's web. 방은 ~ 투성이다 The room is full of cobwebs
  • 거미집    net; spider web; web; cobweb; spider’s web
  • 거미학    Arachnology
  • 납거미    납거미 『動』 a flat-shaped spider of the family.


  • Can you summon an army of spiders?
    거미 군대를 소환 할 수 있니? - 네.
  • I can't believe that fucking spider is America's sweetheart.
    온 나라가 거미 같은 그년한테 홀리다니! 8월 9일 돌아온지 5일째
  • BFG. You say you can hear ants talk and spiders spin.
    개미의 말 소리, 거미 집 짓는 소리도 듣는댔죠?
  • You're looking at the world's first human-spider hybrids.
    세계 최초의 인간과 거미 하이브리드입니다
  • Eunuch, the spider, the Master of Whisperers.
    환관, 거미, 속삭이는 자들의 주인
  • You got bit by a spider?
    거미 한테 좀 물었 니?
  • Too bad about that spider guy.
    거미 인간은 어디 갔다니
  • My friends, there is a spider on the outside of the window here.
    여러분 여기 창밖엔 거미 한 마리가 있습니다,
  • This is not end, Spider!
    이게 끝이 아니다 거미 놈아!
  • Online polls show a sudden uptick in public sentiment in favour of the web-crawler.
    온라인 여론조사 결과 거미 인간 선호도가 급상승했습니다
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