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걸출 영어로

"걸출" 예문"걸출" 뜻

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • 걸출 [傑出] [뛰어남] pre-eminence; prominence; excellence; [뛰어난 사람] an outstanding[a pre-eminent] person; a master spirit.
    ~하다 excel ; stand out ; prominent; pre-eminent; distinguished; outstanding.
    ~한 작품 an outstanding work.
    ~한 정치가 a prominent[distinguished] politician.
    그는 스키에서[학자로서] ~하다 He excels at skiing[as a scholar].
    동료 가운데서는 그가 ~하다 He towers above[outshines] his colleagues.
    그는 변호사로서 ~하다 He cuts an outstanding figure as a lawyer.
    현대 화단에서는 그가 ~하다 He stands out among contemporary painters[in contemporary painting circles].
  • 걸출한    unresolved; distinguishable; supereminent; eximious; outstanding; preeminent
  • 걸쳐두다    걸쳐두다 leave in suspense; leave unsettled; pend; hang up; suspend. 교섭을 ~ leave a negotiation in suspense. 이 문제는 다음 회기까지 걸쳐두기로 한다 We will leave this matter undecided[pending] till the next session.
  • 걸채    걸채 a packsaddle; a pannier[dosser / loading] rack.
  • 걸차다    걸차다 [기름지다] very fertile[productive / rich]. 걸찬 땅 productive[fertile / rich] soil.
  • 걸치다    걸치다11 [얹어 걸다·놓다] put on[over]; [건너질러 걸다] lay[place] over[across]. 도랑에 널빤지를 ~ lay a plank across a ditch. 두 다리를 도랑에 ~ straddle a ditch. 강 위에 다리를 ~ span a river with a bridge / build a bridge across
  • 걸쭉한 죽    mush
  • 걸치어    astride; astraddle
  • 걸쭉한 것    pap
  • 걸친    astride; astraddle


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