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"괴롭다" 예문"괴롭다" 뜻"괴롭다" 중국어

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  • 괴롭다 [고통스럽다] painful; afflicting; distressing; agonizing; [곤란하다] troublesome; hard; difficult; [난처하다] awkward; embarrassing; embarrassed; [곤궁하다] straitened; needy; reduced; <서술적> be indisposed of.
    괴로운 나머지 driven by pain[distress / despair] / out of desperation.
    괴로운 임무 a painful duty.
    괴로운 일 a hard[difficult / <口>tough] job.
    괴로운 세상 a hard world.
    괴로운 마음 an aching[a troubled] heart.
    괴로운 입장 an awkward situation.
    과식을 해서 속이 ~ I have eaten so much that my stomach feels heavy.
    그 일은 생각만해도 ~ It pains me even to think of it.
    외아들을 잃은 것은 그의 생애에 가장 괴로운 경험이었다 The loss of his only son was the bitterest experience of his life.
    그의 일생은 괴로운 일뿐이었다 His life was full of hardships.
    여러 해 동안 살아 정든 집을 파는 것은 괴로운 일이었다 It was hard for me to sell the house I had lived in for so many years.
    아무리 괴로운 때에도 그녀는 결코 불평을 하지 않았다 No matter how trying the circumstances, she never complained.
    환자는 괴로운 듯이 숨을 쉬고 있었다 The patient was breathing with difficulty.
    괴로운 1년이었다 I had a trying year.
    어린 자식을 두고 집을 나간다는 것이 그녀에게는 괴로운 일이었다 It was distressing[agonizing] for her to go, leaving her small child behind at home.
    나는 괴로운 입장에 놓였다 I was in an embarrassing[awkward] situation.
    벼룩에 뜯기는 괴로운 한 밤을 보냈다 I had a bad night as I was pestered by fleas.
  • 롭다    -롭다 be; be characterized by. 새~ new / fresh. 해~ harmful / injurious / do harm / have an injurious effect . 향기~ fragrant / sweet-scented / aromatic. 호화~ gorgeous / splendid / luxurious.
  • 괴롭힘 괴롭힘    Harassment
  • 괴롭힐    bully
  • 괴롭힘    tormenting; molestation; pestering; provoking; annoying; harassing
  • 새롭다    새롭다 [지금까지 있은 적이 없다] new; [생생하다] fresh; [최신이다] latest; [현대적·진보적이다] up-to-date; modern; [신기하다] novel; [독창적이다] original. 새로운 수단[방법] a new type[method / way] . 새로운 유행 the latest fashion. 새로운 뉴스 fresh[ho
  • 외롭다    외롭다 lonely; lonesome; forlorn; feel lonely[lonesome]. 외로운 고아 a desolate orphan. 외로운 사람 a solitary[lonely] person. 외로운 나그네 a lonely[solitary] traveler. 외로운 생활을 하다 lead a lonely[solitary] life. 도와줄 친
  • 의롭다    의롭다 [義-] righteous; rightful; just. 의로운 사람 a righteous man / the righteous. 의로운 싸움 a righteous war / fighting for a rightful cause. 의로운 일을 하다 do a right thing / do right. 대의를 위해 의롭게 죽다 sacrifice on
  • 이롭다    이롭다 [利-] profitable; advantageous; beneficial; good ; helpful ; favorable; instructive. 이로운 조건 advantageous[remunerative] terms. 어린이에게 이로운 책 a book good for children. 학생에게 이로운 교훈 an instructive less
  • 폐롭다    폐롭다 [弊-]1 [귀찮다] troublesome; bothersome. 폐롭게 굴다 cause trouble / give trouble. 폐롭게 여기다 grudge (taking) the trouble of . 손님이 ~ A guest is bothersome.2 [성미가 까다롭다] particular; fussy; fastidious; crabbe
  • 해롭다    해롭다 [害-] harmful; injurious; detrimental; bad. 건강에 ~ be bad for (the)[injurious to]health. 풍기면에 ~ be detrimental[destructive] to public morals. 심신에 ~ be harmful to mind and body[body and soul]. 농작물에
  • 괴롭게 살다    languish
  • 괴롭게 하는    grievous
  • 괴롭히는    tormenting; worrying; teasing; troubling; persecuting; agonizing; perturbing
  • 괴롭히는 것    have on; torturer
  • 괴롭히는 물건    puzzle; tormentor


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