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구휼 영어로

"구휼" 예문"구휼" 뜻

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  • 구휼 [救恤] relief (of the poor).
    ~하다 relieve; give relief .
    재해자를 ~하다 aid (disaster) victims / give aid to the victims.▷ 구휼금 relief fund[money].▷ 구휼 사업 relief work[activities].▷ 구휼 센터 a relief center.▷ 구휼품 relief supplies.
  • 구효서    Gu Hyo-seo
  • 구획하다    partition; box off; divide into segments; section
  • 구희    구희 [球戱] a ball game; billiards.
  • 구획증후군    Compartment syndrome
  •     국1 [탕] soup; broth. ~ 건더기 solid stuff[ingredients] in soup. ~에 말다 put into soup. ~에 덴 놈 냉수 보고도 분다 A scalded cat[dog] fears cold water. / The burnt child dreads the fire. / One bit[bitten], twice sh
  • 구획정리    구획 정리 [區劃整理] land readjustment; (도시의) replanning of streets; readjustment of town lots. 농지 ~ the adjustment of partitions of agricultural land. 이 토지는 ~ 대상이 되어 있다 This lot will be affected by rezonin
  • 국 (성씨)    Guk clan
  • 구획실    enclosed area; compartment
  • 국 (영화)    Gook (film)
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