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"규칙" 예문"규칙" 뜻"규칙" 중국어

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  • 규칙 [規則] a rule; regulations.
    ~에 따라[~대로] according to the rules / in conformity[conformance] with the rules.
    ~에 맞다 conform to the rule.
    ~에 위배되다 be against[contrary to] the rules[regulations].
    ~에서 벗어나다 deviate from an established rule.
    ~에 따르다 go by rule.
    학생들을 ~으로 묶다 put the students under hard and fast rules / bind the students by fixed rules.
    ~을 지키다 observe[stick by] the rules / act upon a rule / keep[conform] to a rule / follow[obey] a rule.
    ~을 마련하다[정하다] lay down[make] a rule / establish regulations.
    ~을 시행하다 put the rules into effect / enforce the rules.
    ~을 개정하다 amend[revise / change] the rules.
    ~을 무시하다 disregard the established rules.
    ~을 어기다 break[violate / go against / <文> infringe on] the rules.
    ~을 폐지하다 abolish a rule.
    예외 없는 ~은 없다 Every rule[There is no rule but] has its exceptions.
    이 학교는 ~이 엄격하다 This school has strict rules. / Strict discipline is enforced at this school.
    이곳에서의 주차는 ~ 위반입니다 It is against[It is a violation of] the rules to park a car here.
    우리는 ~에 묶여 자유가 없다 We are bound by fixed rules[are tied down by the rules].
    ~ 대로만 해야 한다면 조직 운영이 원활해지지 않는다 We can't run the organization smoothly if we have to do everything exactly according to the book.
    그는 매사를 ~대로 한다 He always sticks to the rules[goes by the book]. / He is a stickler for rules and regulations.▷ 규칙 동사 『문법』 a regular verb.▷ 규칙서 published[written] rules.▷ 규칙 위반 (a) violation of regulations; a breach of rules; an offense against the rule.
  • 게임 규칙    Game rules
  • 경고 규칙    alert rule
  • 곱 규칙    Product rule
  • 규칙 모음    rule collection
  • 규칙 바른    even
  • 규칙 위성    Regular moon
  • 규칙적    규칙적 [規則的] regular; systematic; methodical; orderly. ~으로 regularly / methodically / systematically / on[with] system. ~인 생활을 하다 have regular habits / keep regular hours / live[lead] a well-regulated
  • 담화 규칙    conversational maxims
  • 델타 규칙    Delta rule
  • 멱 규칙    Power rule
  • 몫 규칙    Quotient rule
  • 불규칙    불규칙 [不規則] irregularity; lack of system. ~하다 irregular; anomalous; unmethodical; unsystematic. ~하게 irregularly / unsystematically / fitfully. ~한 생활을 하다 keep irregular[inordinate] hours / lead an irre
  • 사업 규칙    Business rule
  • 상규칙    Phase rule
  • 성능 규칙    performance rule


  • Serial killers don't get cool or frightening nicknames.
    새로운 규칙! 연쇄살인범에게 멋있거나 겁나는 별명 주지 않기
  • I thought talking about work was against the rules.
    일에 대해 말하는 건 규칙 위반인 것 같은데?
  • Don't ever fall in love with a straight girl.
    규칙 제1번, 이성애자 여자애랑 사랑에 빠지지 말 것
  • That we respect the beliefs of our patients?
    우리가 환자의 신념을 존중한다는 규칙? - 네
  • Which proves rule number two, you never lose everything.
    규칙 2조가 입증됐네 '늘 건질 건 있다'
  • I offer rule number three, it's my goddamn boat.
    규칙 3번을 권해드리죠 이건 내 빌어먹을 보트다
  • Rule number 1 is you never steal from us!
    규칙 1 절대 우리 것은 못 훔친다!
  • And, anyway, cantaloupe, let's not open up the rulebook, okay?
    맞습니다 규칙 같은 건 피차 잊는 게 좋겠지?
  • OK, people. The rules of trauma. Don't mingle with interns.
    모두들, 외상에 관한 규칙 응급실 인턴들과 어울리지 말 것
  • Remember rule number two, ZoZo? Remember. You can stop it.
    규칙 2번 기억해, 조조 멈출 수 있어
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