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기괴망측한 영어로

"기괴망측한" 중국어

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  • monstrous
  • 기괴망측    기괴 망측 [奇怪罔測] ~하다 quite strange[mysterious / weird / monstrous]; outrageous. 그가 네게 그런 말을 했다니 정말 ~한일이다 It's outrageous that he should have said such a thing to you.
  • 괴괴망측    괴괴 망측 [怪怪罔測] ~하다 [야릇하다] very strange; grotesque; most weird[uncanny / mysterious]; [흉측하다] outrageous; monstrous; scandalous. ~한 소문 a wildest[most scandalous] rumor. ~한 일 a strange thing / an odd thi
  • 괴상망측한    exceptional; odd; peculiar; strange
  • 망측    망측 [罔測] ~하다 [불쾌하다] offensive; disgusting; [상스럽다] low; abominable; mean; lascivious; indecent ; [추잡하다] nasty; vicious; [꼴사납다] ugly; bad-looking; unsightly; shabby. 망측한 소리[이야기] an indecent[a low] talk
  • 기괴    기괴 [奇怪] ~하다 [괴이(怪異)하다] strange; mysterious; weird; uncouth; uncanny; [망측하다] outrageous; extraordinary; monstrous; scandalous. ~한 풍설 a bizarre rumor. ~한 행동 strange behavior. 그의 ~한 실종은 아직도 이야깃거리가 되고 있
  • 기괴한    laden with detail; bizarre; weird; strange
  • 흉악망측    흉악 망측 [凶惡罔測] ☞ 흉측
  • 기기괴계    KiKi KaiKai
  • 기기괴괴    기기 괴괴 [奇奇怪怪] [몹시 기괴함] ~하다 strangest ; most fantastic ; wildest ; mysterious; weird; monstrous; really bizarre.
  • 기괴한 짓을 하는 흥행사    nerd; geek
  • 멘델레예프가 예측한 원소들    Mendeleev's predicted elements
  • 기광호    Ki Kwang-ho
  • 기관허탈    Tracheal collapse
  • 기교    기교 [技巧] art; craftsmanship; workmanship; technical skill; technique; technics; mechanism(예술의); [계책] an artifice; a trick; finesse. 광고 ~ advertising technics / the knack of advertisement. ~에 치우친 문체 a
  • 기관포    기관포 [機關砲] a (heavy) machine gun.
  • 기교가 뛰어난    artful
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