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"꼬부기" 예문"꼬부기" 중국어

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  • squirtle
  • 부기    부기 [附記] an addition; an additional remark; a supplementary note; a postscript(略 P.S., p.s.). ~하다 add; write in addition; append a note ; add a postscript .▷ 부기 등기 a codicil to a registration.부기 [浮氣]
  • 꼬부랑꼬부랑    꼬부랑꼬부랑 시냇물이 논밭 사이를 ~ 흐르고 있다 A brook meanders[winds its way] through the fields. 좁은 길이 산을 ~ 누비고 있다 A narrow path led on through the hills with twists and turns. ~하다 bent here and there; winding; mean
  • 깜부기    깜부기1 [깜부깃병으로 까맣게 된 이삭] a smut ball; a smutted ear ; a blighted ear of grain.2 [얼굴이 까만 사람] a dark-complexioned[-faced] person.3 ☞ 깜부기숯.▷ 깜부기불 a dying[low] fire; embers.▷ 깜부깃병 [-病] smut; dustbrand; bu
  • 뜸부기    water rail; watercock; crake; landrail
  • 모부기    turtwig
  • 부기 계원    bookkeeper
  • 부기 문자    buginese
  • 부기어    buginese
  • 부기족    Buginese people
  • 정부기    State flag
  • 꼬부라지다    꼬부라지다1 bend; curve; swerve; be bent; be crooked; (길이) turn . 꼬부라진 길 a winding path. 꼬부라진 소나무 a crooked pine (tree). 늙어 허리가 ~ be bent (in the back) with age / stoop from age. 혀가 ~ be tonguetied / hav
  • 꼬부라짐    tortuosity
  • 꼬부랑국수    instant noodles
  • 꼬부랑글자    꼬부랑 글자 [졸필] a poor hand; "hen tracks[scratches]"; [서양 글자] alphabetic letters; Roman or Cyrillic script.
  • 꼬부랑길    꼬부랑길 a winding[tortuous] path.
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