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냄새나다 영어로

"냄새나다" 중국어

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • smell
  • 냄새나는    liftin; stinky; stinking; smelly; funky; foetid; odiferous; foul-smelling; olid; noisome; unwholesome; fetid
  • 새나다    새나다 leak out; get[slip] out; be disclosed. 세상(밖)으로 ~ leak out to the world.
  • 코담배 냄새나는    snuffy
  • 코르크 냄새나는    corky
  • 피새나다    피새나다 [발각되다] be revealed[disclosed / exposed].
  • 나쁜 냄새가 나다    hum; smell
  • 냄새가 나다    smell
  • 의 냄새가 나다    smell
  • 냄새    냄새1 (a) smell; (an) odor; (a) scent; [방향] perfume; aroma; fragrance; [악취] a stench; a stink; reek. 좋은 ~ a sweet[nice / pleasant] smell / an agreeable smell. 나쁜[역한] ~ a bad[disgusting / vile / foul /
  • 모새나무    Vaccinium bracteatum
  • 벌새나무    Sesbania grandiflora
  • 지나새나    지나새나 night in (and) day out; night and day; day and night; around[round] the clock; always; constantly; all the time. 그녀는 ~ 남편한테 바가지를 긁었다 She yapped at her husband morning and night. 그는 ~ 담배만 피우고 있다
  • 냄새 나는    supercilious; high-hat; smelly; haught; haughty; sniffy; stout; disdainful; cavalier; sneery; orgulous; domineering
  • 냄새 맡기    smell
  • 냄새 맡다    scent; sniff; smell; get wind of
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