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누전 영어로

"누전" 예문"누전" 뜻"누전" 중국어

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • 누전 [漏電] 『理』 an electric leakage; a leak(age) of electricity; a short circuit; a leak; a fault.
    ~에 의한 화재 a fire started by a short circuit / a fire caused by a leakage of electricity.
    ~을 일으키다 cause a short circuit / cause a leak (of electricity).
    천장에서 ~이 일어났다 The wires in the ceiling short-circuited.
    ~하다 short(-circuit); leak.▷ 누전계 [-計] a ground[a leakage / an earth] detector; a leakage indicator.▷ 누전법 the loss-of-charge method.


  • I thought you said this was an electrical accident.
    누전 사고라고 했잖아요
  • They're calling it an electrical malfunction.
    누전 사고라고 하네요
  • The fiber optic link eliminates ground loops and guarantees a safe isolation between the device under test and the control room in short circuit, high voltage, and high power labs.
    Fiber optic 링크는 이상선회를 제거하고 누전, 고전압, 고전력 실험실에서 시험 및 제어 중인 장치의 safe isolation 을 보장합니다.
  • The test center can perform most of the testing that is needed to adhere to these requirements such as leakage current measurements and high-voltage testing, and can determine whether any air gaps or leakage paths are present.
    시험 센터는 누전 측정 및 고압시험과 같은 이러한 요건에 맞춘 대부분의 시험을 수행할 수 있으며 에어 갭 또는 누수경로가 있는지 측정할 수 있습니다.
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