당황하다 영어로
"당황하다" 예문"당황하다" 뜻
영어 번역
- 당황하다 [唐惶-·唐慌-·-] be perplexed; be puzzled; be bewildered; be nonplussed(▶ bewildered는 처음의 두 단어보다 뜻이 강함. nonplussed는 뜻밖의 일에 어쩔 바를 모름); be confused; <文> be embarrassed; <文> be discomfited; be flustered; be disconcerted; be flurried; lose one's presence of mind; panic; be upset; <文> be perturbed; lose one's composure.
당황하여 in a flurry / in confusion / in panic / in perplexity.
당황하지 않고 calmly / composedly / cooly.
뜻밖의 질문에 그는 당황했다 The unexpected question threw him off so unexpected that it threw me completely[I was flustered / I was disconcerted].
당황하지 마라 Take it easy. / Don't panic.
당황할 것 없다 There is no hurry.
당황하여 컵을 깨고 말았다 In my agitation[haste] I broke a glass.
그는 어떤 경우에도 당황하지 않는다 He remains unruffled[cool] on any occasion.
담배를 피우다가 들켜 소년은 당황했다 Caught smoking, the boy was thrown into confusion[flustered].
나는 허를 찔려 당황했다 I was taken by surprise. / I was taken aback.
어떻게 말해야 좋을지 그는 당황하는 표정이었다 He looked at a loss what to say.
치러야 할 돈이 모자라서 아주 당황했다 I didn't know what to do[was embarrassed] when I realized that I didn't have enough money to pay the bill.
그는 조금도 당황하는 기색이 없었다 He showed no sign of confusion[<文> perturbation]. / He remained perfectly calm[unmoved]. / <美口>He wasn't fazed in the least.(▶ faze는 부정어를 수반함).
당황해서 대답도 못했다 I was so flurried that I could not answer.
수상이 암살당하자 국민은 당황했다 When the prime minister was assassinated, the country was thrown into confusion.
나는 그들의 연달은 질문을 받고 당황하고 말았다 As they rained questions on me, I got completely flustered[confused].
도둑놈은 당황해서 도망치고 말았다 The thief ran away in a panic.
그는 뜻밖의 소식을 듣고 당황했다 He was thrown off balance by the unexpected news.
그 사건에 그녀는 아주 당황하여 말도 할 수 없었다 The incident so upset her that she couldn't say word.
그는 당황하지 않고 가만히 웃고 있었다 He kept smiling calmly without so much as batting an eye.
사람들은 당황하지 않았다 The people remained calm[kept their heads / kept their presence of mind].
나는 갑자기 연설을 요청받아 당황해 버렸다 I got very nervous[<口> all shook up] when I was suddenly called on to make a speech.
당황하여 그는 말 한마디도 하지 못했다 He got stage fright and couldn't say a word.
그는 뜻하지 않게 아버지를 만나 몹시 당황했다 He was terribly flustered[thrown into confusion / filled with consternation] when he unexpectedly ran into his father.
당황히 perplexedly; confusedly; puzzledly.
- 당황하게 하다 fluster; puzzle; abash; baffle; wig; throw into confusion; obfuscate; bewilder; upset; bedazzle; disconcert; perplex
- 당황하게하다 disorient; unsettle
- 당황하여 … 을 혼동하다 scramble
- 당황하게 하여 in confusion
- 당황하여 hasty and disorderly; helter-skelter; in confusion; puzzledly; hugger-mugger
- 당황하여$1$ at a loss
- 당황하여 달리다 scurry; scuffle
- 황하다 황하다 [荒-] rough; careless; sloppy; slipshod. 황한 사람 a slipshod person.
- 당황하게 만드는 것 puzzler
- 당황하게 만드는 사람 puzzler
- 당황하여 … 을 뒤바꾸다 scramble
- 당황하여 돌아다니다 scuffle
- 당황케 하다 lead someone down the garden path; dismay; confound; throw out
- 당황케하다 upset; discomfit; discompose; disconcert; disenchant; untune
- 가황하다 cure; vulcanize