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  • 동서 고금 [東西古今] all ages and countries; all times and places.
    ~을 막론하고 across the ages and in all countries of the world / for all ages and countries[times and spaces].
    ~의 문화 the cultures of all ages and countries.
  • 고금    고금 ☞ 학질고금 [古今] ancient and modern times; time past and present; all ages; any age. ~의 ancient and modern / in[of] all ages. 동서 ~의 작가 writers of all ages and countries. 동서 ~에 걸쳐 for all ages and in
  • 서고    서고 [書庫] a library; (도서관의) a stack room.
  • 동서    동서 [同書] the same book; [그 책] the said book; (출처를 밝힐 때) ibidem(略 ib., ibid.).동서 [同棲] =동거(同居).동서 [同壻] [자매의 남편] the husband of one's wife's sister; [형제의 아내] the wife of one's husband's brother; a siste
  • 고금 or 구친    guqin
  • 고금리    고금리 [高金利] high interest; a high rate of interest; usury. ~로 돈을 빌려주다 lend money at high interest[at a usurious rate of interest].
  • 동서 거리    departure
  • 동서선    East West Line
  • 동서자    cohabitant; one who cohabits
  • 서고트 왕국 서고트 왕국    Visigothic Kingdom
  • 서고트인 서고트인    Visigoths
  • 고금 와카집    Kokin Wakashū
  • 신고금 와카집    Shin Kokin Wakashū
  • 서고트족    visigoths
  • 동서남북    동서남북 [東西南北] the (four) cardinal points; north, south, east and west(▶ 영어에서는 흔히 이 순서로 말함). ~에서 from all directions / all quarters / all parts of the country. 그 광장에서 길이 ~으로 뻗어 있다 From the square four
  • 동서대학교    dongseo university
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