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때아닌 영어로

"때아닌" 예문"때아닌" 뜻"때아닌" 중국어

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  • 때아닌 [제 때가 아닌] unseasonable; untimely; inopportune; out of season; [뜻하지 않은] unexpected.
    ~ 꽃 a blossom out of season / off-season flowering(꽃이 핌).
    ~ 손님 an unexpected visitor.
    ~ 태풍 an unseasonable storm.
    그녀의 ~ 죽음 her untimely death.
    ~ 시각에 at an unseasonable hour / [한밤중이나 새벽의] at an ungodly hour.
    ~ 꽃이 피다 bloom out of season / bloom again(철지나서).


  • Unseasonably warm and clear in the pacific northwest.
    태평양 북서부는 때아닌 따뜻하고 맑은 날씨입니다
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