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망토로 싸다 영어로


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  • mantle
  • 싸다    싸다1 (대·소변을) excrete ; void;
  • 망토    망토 a mantle; a cloak; a cape(어깨 망토). ~를 몸에 걸치다 fold one's cloak about one.
  • 싸다    싸다1 (대·소변을) excrete ; void; discharge. 오줌을 ~ pee / wet one's pants / (잠자리에서) wet the bed / make[pass] water. 똥을 ~ defecate / have a movement of the bowels / have a hard time of it / pay dearly / g
  • 토로    토로 [吐露] exposing[revealing] one's thoughts. ~하다 lay bare ; express; utter; deliver; speak ; give mouth[vent] ; disclose[reveal] ; voice; set forth. 의견을 ~하다 give[express / set forth] one's opinion /
  • 망토 사당    Cloak of Muhammad
  • 어깨 망토    cape
  • 짧은 망토    mantelet; mantlet
  • 감싸다    감싸다1 [싸다] wrap ; tuck up . 그녀는 온몸을 담요로 감싸고 있었다 She was covered from head to foot with a blanket. 그 산꼭대기는 (짙은) 안개로 감싸였다 The summit was shrouded in fog / The summit was veiled[enveloped] in mist. 회장(會
  • 감아 싸다    tuck up
  • 값싸다    값싸다 cheap; low-priced; low in price; inexpensive. 값싼 물건 a cheap[low-priced] article / a (good) bargain(헐값인 물건) / an inferior article(품질이 나쁜 물건).
  • 꼴싸다    꼴싸다 fold so that both sides are of equal width; fold in half lengthwise.
  • 둘러 싸다    include
  • 비싸다    비싸다1 [상품의 값이 너무 많다] dear; expensive; costly; high in price; high-priced. 비싼 값 a high price. 비싼 값으로 팔다 sell a thing at a high price. 가장 비싼 값을 매기다 make the highest bid . 생선 값이 ~ Fish is expensive. / F
  • 손싸다    손싸다 quick-handed; nimble-handed[-fingered]; deft; dexterous.
  • 에워 싸다    encircle; encompass
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