목골조 건축물 영어로
영어 번역
- Timber framed buildings
- 건축물 building; architecture; superstructure
- 목골조 목골조 Timber framing
- 골조 골조 [骨組]1 [골격] the (bony) frame; a skeleton; physique; build.2 [구조] framework; a frame; framing; structure; a skeleton; the carcass(선체 등의).
- 건축가별 건축물 Buildings and structures by architect
- 건축물 건축시공 Building
- 재건축한 건축물 Rebuilt buildings and structures
- 109 (건축물) 109 (department store)
- bbc의 건축물 BBC offices, studios and buildings
- 가공의 건축물 Fictional buildings and structures
- 가나의 건축물 Buildings and structures in Ghana
- 가봉의 건축물 Buildings and structures in Gabon
- 건축물 그림 Images of buildings and structures
- 건축물 목록 Lists of buildings and structures
- 건축물 문장 Coats of arms with buildings
- 건축물 재난 Disasters in buildings and structures