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몰락한 우상 영어로

"몰락한 우상" 중국어

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  • The Fallen Idol (film)
  • 몰락한    cataclysmic; ruinous; destroyed; bankrupt;
  • 우상    우상 [羽狀] ~의 pinnate.▷ 우상 복엽
  • 몰락한    cataclysmic; ruinous; destroyed; bankrupt; ruined; demolished; damaged
  • 몰락한 사람    wreck
  • 몰락    몰락 [沒落] [파멸] ruin; fall; collapse; downfall; wreck; [파산] bankruptcy. 로마 제국의 ~ the fall of the Roman Empire. 탄광업의 ~ the decline of the coal[mining] industry. ~하다 fall; go to ruin; be ruined; be wreck
  • 우상    우상 [羽狀] ~의 pinnate.▷ 우상 복엽 [-複葉] =깃꼴겹잎.▷ 우상엽 『植』 a pinnate leaf.우상 [偶像] an idol; an image. ~적인 가수 an idol[idolized] singer. ~을 숭배하다 worship an idol. ~을 파괴하다 break idols / smash idols / throw down th
  • 안락한    comfy; easy; comfortable
  • 영락한    undone; diminished; reduced; on sale
  • 타락한    rotten; perverted; depraved; corrupt; scrofulous; fallen; corrupted; degraded; debauched
  • 몰락 작전    Operation Downfall
  • 박우상    Park Woo-sang
  • 성우상    Voice acting awards
  • 우상 (영화)    Idol (film)
  • 우상$1$    joss; graven image; idol
  • 우상의    posterlike
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