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무단결근 영어로

"무단결근" 예문

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • 무단 결근 [無斷缺勤] an unauthorized absence; being absent without permission[due notice]; absence without leave[(due) notice].
    ~하다 be absent without leave[without (due) notice]; stay from work without leave.
  • 무단결석    무단 결석 [無斷缺席] (school) truancy. ~하다 absent oneself (from school) without notice; stay away (from school); play truant; cut a class; play hook(e)y.
  • 결근    결근 [缺勤] absence ; nonattendance . 무단 ~ an absence without notice[leave]. 장기 ~ a long(-term) absence. ~하다 be absent ; be away from work; stay home . 어제는 병이 나서 ~하였습니다 Yesterday I stayed home from work
  • 단결    단결 [團結] unity; union; (공통의 목적·이해에서 생기는) solidarity; combination. 국민의 ~ national solidarity. 우방국(友邦國)간의 ~ the solidarity of the friendly nations. 읍사람들의 ~로 읍에서 부정이 일소되었다 Corrupt practices were cleaned
  • 무단    무단 [武斷] militarism; enforcement(강행); highhandedness.▷ 무단주의 militarism.▷ 무단주의자 a militarist.무단 [無斷]1 [예고 없음]. ~히 without (pervious) notice; without warning; unannounced. 부모에게 알리지 않고 ~히 여행을 떠나다 go on
  • 결근계    결근계 [缺勤屆] a report[notice] of absence. ~를 내다[제출하다] report one's absence / tender[send in] a report[notice] of one's absence.
  • 결근의    absent
  • 장기 결근    absenteeism
  • 단결에    단결에1 [즉시] at a breath; at a stroke; at a once. ~에 들이키다 empty (the glass) at a draft. ~에 일을 끝내다 finish one's work at a stretch.2 [기회가 지나가기 전에] while there is a chance[an opportunity]; before the chan
  • 단결한    unal; united; solid
  • 비단결    비단결 [緋緞-] the texture of silk; a velvety texture. ~ 같다 be as soft as velvet. 마음이 ~ 같은 soft-hearted / tender-hearted / sweet-tempered. 그녀의 피부는 ~ 같다 Her skin is a velvety texture. 그녀의 마음은 ~ 같다 She is
  • 결근하다    absent
  • 무단 (시인)    Mu Dan
  • 무단 결석    truancy; absence without leave
  • 무단 복사    Copypaste
  • 무단 사용    crib


  • The HR manager didn't know who he was talking about, and only after searching through lists of names did they find out he was absent without leave.
    담당자는 그가 누구인지 한참 생각하다가 명단이 빼곡히 적힌 서류를 한참 뒤진 후에야 상사가 무단결근 중이라고 말해주었다.
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