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미리 조절한 영어로

"미리 조절한" 예문"미리 조절한" 뜻

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • prefinite
  • 미리    미리 beforehand; in advance; previously; in
  • 미리 조절하다    prefinite
  • 조절    조절 [調節] regulation; adjustment; control; governing; [조정] modulation; tuning(악기의); tuning in(라디오의); 『言』 articulation. 목소리의 ~ the modulation of one's voice. 물가의 ~ the regulation[control] of price. 미가(
  • 기절한    unconscious
  • 너절한    slipslop; slobbery; shabby; sloppy
  • 변절한    betrayed his trust; apostate; guilty of apostasy; breached his trust; violated his confidence
  • 적절한    apropos; well-suited; apt; well-spoken; relative; right; proper; well judged; pertinent; happy; winged; apposite; well suited; neat; well-chosen; relevant; politic
  • 진절한    openhanded; open handed
  • 친절한    attentive; good hearted; sweet; accommodating; good; benevolent; benign; decent; well disposed; grandmotherly; nice; kind-hearted; kindly; kind
  • 체온 조절 체온 조절    Thermoregulation
  • 미리    미리 beforehand; in advance; previously; in anticipation; ahead of time. 남에게 ~ 알려주다 let a person know beforehand[ahead of time]. 파티의 회비를 ~ 내다 pay the fee for a party in advance. 재학 중인 학생을 ~ 채용하다 recru
  • 공기 조절    air conditioning
  • 기상 조절    Weather modification
  • 변량 조절    Control variates
  • 분노 조절    Anger management


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