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부적응 영어로

"부적응" 예문"부적응" 뜻"부적응" 중국어

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  • 부적응 [不適應] maladjustment .
    ~의 maladjusted.▷ 부적응아 [-兒] a maladjusted child.
  • 우주 부적응 증후군    Space adaptation syndrome
  • 적응    적응 [適應]1 [잘 어울림] adaptation; accommodation; adjustment; conformity. ~하다 adapt[accomodate / adjust / acclimate] oneself; confirm(일치하다). ~시키다 adapt / accommodate. 새 환경에 ~하다 acclimate[acclimatize] ones
  • 부적    부적 [符籍] a charm; an amulet; a phylactery. 액막이 ~ an amulet to avert evils / a charm against evils.
  • 모양 적응    shape adaptation
  • 문화 적응    acculturation
  • 적응 압축    adaptive compression
  • 적응 장애    Adjustment disorder
  • 적응 제어    Adaptive control
  • 적응 형식    adaptive format
  • 적응성    adaptativeness; flexibility; adaptableness; elasticity; adaptability
  • 적응한    adaptative; adaptorial; adaptational; adaptable; adaptive
  • 부적격    부적격 [不適格] disqualification; unqualifiedness; unfitness. ~의 disqualified / unqualified / unfit . ~이 되다 be disqualified.▷ 부적격자 a person disqualified for[unacceptable to] a position.
  • 부적당    부적당 [不適當] unsuitableness; unfitness; inappropriateness; inaptitude; inadequateness; inadequacy; impropriety. ~하다 unsuitable; unfit ; inappropriate ; inadequate; impertinent; out of place; improper;
  • 부적임    부적임 [不適任] unfitness; unsuitableness; inadequacy; incompetency. ~의 unfit / unsuitable / inadequate / unqualified / incompetent.▷ 부적임자 an unqualified[incompetent] person; an unfit[incompetent]. 그녀는
  • 부적절    improperness; unsuitableness; inappropriateness; unseemliness; incongruousness


  • Since the late 1980s and the fall of the Soviet Union , some ethnic Germans have returned in small numbers to Engels , but many more emigrated permanently to Germany.
    1980년대 말부터 많은 볼가 독일인들이 독일 로 돌아갔으나, 현지에 대한 부적응 등이 문제가 되어 1990년대 말부터 독일 정부는 그들의 귀환을 까다롭게 하고 있다.
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