빙켈만쥐 영어로
영어 번역
- Winkelmann's mouse
- 헨리 빙켈만 Henri Winkelman
- 요한 요아힘 빙켈만 Johann Joachim Winckelmann
- 샤크만쥐 Djoongari
- 안다만쥐 Andaman rat
- 쿠프만쥐 Koopman's rat
- 호프만쥐 Hoffmann's rat
- 요한 루드비 모빙켈 Johan Ludwig Mowinckel
- 빙충이 빙충이 a thick-witted[dull-headed] person; a dolt; a lubber.; a stupid and bashful person; a clumsy fellow; a saphead; a gawk; a milksop.
- 빙충맞이 빙충맞이 → 빙충이
- 빙코케르 시 Vingåker Municipality
- 빙충맞다 빙충맞다 clumsy; dull-witted; heavy; stupid and timid; thickheaded; lumbering.
- 빙크스 월턴 Binx Walton
- 빙초산 빙초산 [氷醋酸] 『化』 glacial acetic acid.
- 빙탄 빙탄 [氷炭] [부조화] incompatibility; discord; contradiction. ~ 불상용(不相容) be as irreconcilable as oil and water / agree like cats and dogs / be contradictory[antagonistic] and water / agree like cats and do
- 빙진 Cryoseism
- 빙통그러진 flexuous; anfractuous; meandering