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속치레 영어로

"속치레" 뜻

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  • 속치레 [속을 잘 꾸민 치레] interior decoration.
    ~하다 decorate the interior.
  • 치레    치레 embellishment; adornment; beautifying; prettifying; decorating. 겉~로만 for mere form's sake. ~하다 embellish; adorn; decorate; deck[dress] up; smarten up; doll[pretty] up; beautify; pretty. 집을 ~하다 be
  • 속치마    속치마 an underskirt; a petticoat; a slip.
  • 속치장    속치장 [-治粧] interior decoration.
  • 속치부하다    속치부하다 [-置簿-] [마음 속에 기억하다] record in one's mind[memory]; make a mental note ; keep in mind.
  • 겉치레    겉치레 ostensible decoration[display]; ostentation; outward show; keeping up appearances. ~를 좋아하다 be fond of demonstration[display]. 이 새 건물이 ~만 번지르르한 데 놀랐다 I was appalled by the shoddy construction of
  • 눈치레    눈치레 mere show; outward show; showy appearance; vain ornamentation; putting on a good front[face]. ~로 for show / for the sake of appearance. ~하다 make outward show; dress up to appeal to the eye; stre
  • 말치레    말치레 a compliment; flattery; using fair[fine / pretty / honeyed] words; making a specious remark. ~로 with flattery / by fine words / in a honeyed tongue. 잘못을 ~로 얼버무리다 gloss over one's errors. ~하다 pay
  • 면치레    면치레 [面-] a face-lifting. ~하다 face-lift; save[keep up] appearances; save (one's) face; put up a good front; put a good face on the matter.
  • 옷치레    옷치레 dressing-up; rich attire. ~를 좋아하는 사람 a lover of finery. 그녀는 무척 ~를 좋아한다 She has a weakness for fine clothing. ~하다 dress up; wear fine clothes.
  • 집치레    집치레 =집치장.
  • 책치레    책치레 [冊-] make-up of a book. ~하다 make up a book.
  • 겉치레의    colourable; colorable
  • 겉치레하기    ostentation
  • 꼬리치레    Beijing babbler
  • 꼬리치레과    Old World babbler
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