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속치장 영어로

"속치장" 뜻

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  • 속치장 [-治粧] interior decoration.
  • 치장    치장 [治粧] [장식] ornamentation; decoration; adornment; embellishment; [화장] toilet; makeup; dressing. 몸~ personal adornment[ornament] / dressing up. 가게의 ~ shop decoration. 진열창 ~ window dressing. ~하다 orna
  • 속치레    속치레 [속을 잘 꾸민 치레] interior decoration. ~하다 decorate the interior.
  • 속치마    속치마 an underskirt; a petticoat; a slip.
  • 속치부하다    속치부하다 [-置簿-] [마음 속에 기억하다] record in one's mind[memory]; make a mental note ; keep in mind.
  • 겉치장    겉치장 [-治粧] ~하다 dress up[decorate] the outside; make outward show; keep up appearances; put a good face on ; gloss[smooth] over .
  • 몸치장    몸치장 [-治粧] adornment (of one's person); dressing (oneself) up; decking oneself out; trimming oneself up. ~하다 (옷으로) dress (oneself) up; be gaily[gaudily] dressed; be dressed up; (장식물로) ornament[adorn
  • 유치장    유치장 [留置場] a house of detention; a lock up. 그는 ~에 갇혔다 He was jailed. / He was locked up in jail.
  • 집치장    집치장 [-治粧] the (interior) decoration of a house. ~이 잘되어 있다 be nicely decorated. ~하다 decorate (the interior of) a house; do the interior decoration.
  • 치장 벽토    stucco
  • 치장구    Qijiang District
  • 하치장    하치장 [荷置場] a yard; a storage space; a depository; a repository. 노천의 석탄 ~ an open storage yard for coal.
  • 가장 정치장    patriarchy
  • 겉치장한    decorated
  • 머리치장    머리 치장 [-治粧] hairdo; hairdressing. ~하다 do up one's hair; dress one's hair.
  • 여성의 머리 치장    hairdo
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