실쭉실쭉 영어로
"실쭉실쭉" 뜻
영어 번역
- 실쭉실쭉 (모양이) distorting; distorted; (고까워서) sullen; sulky.
~하다 =실쭉거리다.
- 실쭉한 sullen; sulky
- 실쭉거리다 실쭉거리다1(모양이) keep pulling out of shape.2 (고까워서) pout; sulk.
- 실쭉하기 sulk
- 실쭉하다 실쭉하다1 distort; contort; twist; pout. 입을 ~ screw up one's mouth / make a wry mouth / curl one's lips(경멸의 표정).실쭉하다21 (얼굴이) sullen; sulky; sour; look glum[sullen]. 실쭉해지다 get sulky / sulk. 실쭉해서 입술을 삐쭉
- 실질통제선 Line of Actual Control
- 실질적임 solidity
- 실질적인 substantial
- 실질적으로는 virtually; nearly; close to; intimately; as near as makes no difference; so to speak; practically; coming on; not quite; quasi; almost; next to; well-nigh; #quasi |quasi; as it were
- 실착행위 mistake; error; blunder; slip; fault