싸다 영어로
"싸다" 예문"싸다" 뜻"싸다" 중국어
영어 번역모바일
- 싸다1 (대·소변을) excrete
; void; discharge.
오줌을 ~ pee / wet one's pants / (잠자리에서) wet the bed / make[pass] water.
똥을 ~ defecate / have a movement of the bowels / <비유> have a hard time of it / pay dearly/ get the worst of it / <俗> get a real raw deal.
그 소년은 융단에 오줌을 쌌다 The boy peed on the carpet.
그것 때문에 똥쌌다 I paid dearly for it. / It cost me dear.싸다21 [물건을 포장하다] wrap (in); do up ; pack (up); bundle .
보자기에 ~ tie[do / wrap] upin a cloth wrapper.
짐을 종이에 ~ do[wrap] up the package in paper / wrap paper round a thing.
과자를 예쁜 포장지로 ~ package the candy in colorful wrappers.
싸 드릴까요 Shall I wrap it up?
이것을 종이에 싸 주세요 Please wrap this up in paper.
나는 그 꽃병을 선물용 포장지로 싸도록 했다 I had the vase gift-wrapped.
돈을 싸지도 않은 채 주는 것은 실례다 It is not good manner to make a gift of money unwrapped.2 (도시락을) <美> fix a lunch; prepare a luncheon; put up a lunch; pack a lunch basket[box].싸다31 [(입이) 가볍다] glib(-tongued); talebearing; tattling; talkative; loquacious; prattling; gabby.
입이 싼 사람 a talkative person / a blabber / a tattler / a chatterbox(여자·아이 등).2 [속도가 빠르다] fast; swift; quick.
걸음이 싼 사람 a quick walker / a light-footed person.
걸음이 ~ be quick[swift / <文> fleet] of foot / have a quick step / be quick on one's feet[legs / pins].
싸게 걷다 walk at a brisk[quick / rapid] pace / walk at a quick step / walk with a rapid step.
싸게 다녀오너라 Go and come back quickly.3 [(불기운이) 세다] intense; burn fast.
불이 싸지다 get lively[briskly].싸다41 (물건 값이) cheap; inexpensive; low(-priced); of low price; moderate; moderately-priced(▶ cheap은 「싸구려」의 느낌을 나타낼 때가 있음).
싼 집세 a low rent.
싼 카메라 a low-priced camera.
값이 싸고 질이 나쁜 구두 shoes of low price and poor quality / <英> cheap and nasty shoes.
값은 싸나 좋은 옷 an inexpensive but good dress.
싸게 산 물건 a good[a great] bargain.
싸게 치이다 cost little / come cheap / prove economical.
싸게 팔다 sell cheap[at low prices / at a small profit / at a bargain].
싼 물건을 찾아다니다 look[hunt] for a bargain.
아주[터무니없이] ~ be cheap as dirt / be dirt-[dog-]cheap / be ridiculously cheap.
나는 싼 임대료로 차를 빌렸다 I rented[<英> hired] a car at low rates.
지방이 대도시보다 물가가 ~ Prices in the country are lower than in big cities.
시계를 싸게 샀다 I bought a watch cheap[at a low price].
싼 급료로 살아가기 힘들다 I have a hard time getting by on my low[small / meager] salary.
그 값이면[5,000원이면] ~ It's a bargain at that price[at 5,000 won].
싼 것이 비지떡 <속담> Low price means low quality. / Buy cheap and waste your money.
좀더 싼 것은 없습니까 Haven't you anything less expensive?
좀 더 싸게 할 수 없을까요 Couldn't you come down a little more[cut the price down a bit more]? / Can't you make it a little cheaper? / Can't you reduce the price a little?
수입 오렌지가 싸졌다 Imported oranges have gone down (in price)[have become cheaper].
설탕은 저 슈퍼마켓이 더 싸다 Sugar is cheaper at that supermarket. / They are selling sugar cheap[at low prices] at that supermarket.
싸게 잘 샀군 <美口> It's a buy.
냉장고를 20% 싸게 샀다 I bought a refrigerator at a twenty percent discount on the fixed price. / I got a refrigerator for twenty percent off the list price.2 [(죄에 대한 벌이) 마땅하다] <서술적> be well deserved; be none too little.
욕먹어도 ~ deserve censure / need to be scolded.
그놈, 죽어 싸지 He deserves death. / He needs to be killed.
(내 말을 듣지 않더니) 그 꼴을 당해도 ~ It serve(s) you right! / You richly deserve it! / <口> Serves[And serve] you right! / <美> You had it coming!
- 감싸다 감싸다1 [싸다] wrap ; tuck up . 그녀는 온몸을 담요로 감싸고 있었다 She was covered from head to foot with a blanket. 그 산꼭대기는 (짙은) 안개로 감싸였다 The summit was shrouded in fog / The summit was veiled[enveloped] in mist. 회장(會
- 감아 싸다 tuck up
- 값싸다 값싸다 cheap; low-priced; low in price; inexpensive. 값싼 물건 a cheap[low-priced] article / a (good) bargain(헐값인 물건) / an inferior article(품질이 나쁜 물건).
- 꼴싸다 꼴싸다 fold so that both sides are of equal width; fold in half lengthwise.
- 둘러 싸다 include
- 비싸다 비싸다1 [상품의 값이 너무 많다] dear; expensive; costly; high in price; high-priced. 비싼 값 a high price. 비싼 값으로 팔다 sell a thing at a high price. 가장 비싼 값을 매기다 make the highest bid . 생선 값이 ~ Fish is expensive. / F
- 손싸다 손싸다 quick-handed; nimble-handed[-fingered]; deft; dexterous.
- 에워 싸다 encircle; encompass
- 잽싸다 잽싸다 quick; agile; nimble. 잽싸게 nimbly / agilely / quickly / with alacrity. 잽싸게 달아나다 run away[escape] quickly. 일을 잽싸게 해치우다 rattle a piece of business through. 그녀는 맞지 않으려고 잽싸게 몸을 피했다 She nimbly dodged
- 휩싸다 휩싸다1 [감아 싸다] wrap ; lap ; tuck up . 홑이불로 어깨를 ~ tuck the bedcovers about one's shoulders / tuck the bedcovers in round one's shoulders. 망토로 몸을 ~ wrap oneself up in a cloak. 담요로 몸을 ~ envelop[roll] one
- 고깔로 싸다 wimple
- 고치로 싸다 cocoon
- 껍데기로 싸다 shell
- 냅킨으로 싸다 napkin
- 눈으로 싸다 snow
- But my point is that Finn brought Izzie lunch.
내 요점은 핀이 이지에게 점심을 싸다 줬단 거야 - I deserve this abuse.
내가 욕 먹어도 싸다 싸 - Found it while I was packing up.
짐 싸다 찾았어 - Pockface deserves to die.
곰보는 죽어도 싸다 - If Juliet was stupid enough to fall for the enemy, drink a bottle of poison and go to sleep in a mausoleum... she deserved whatever she got.
줄리엣이 적과 사랑에 빠져서 독약을 마시고 납골당에서 잠에 빠질만큼 진심으로 어리석었다면 그 앤 어떤 결과를 얻더라도 싸다 - A lot of fun, especially if it’s totaled.
착각- 미국은 국토가 넓어 집값이 싸다 - It was cheap and effective with plentiful resources.
그것은 많은 자원에 싸다 효과적 이었다. - People going to and fro passed it with whispers.
이게 싸다 비싸다고 논의 안 할게요. - We are half block from the Main Square.The taxi is cheap
우리는 메인 광장에서 반 블록입니다.택시가 싸다 - Outside financing is usually cheaper than most in-house financing of auction sites.
외부 회계는 보통 경매 위치의 최대 사내 회계 보다는 더 싸다.
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